Towards a zero-carbon future
accelerating CCS innovation and deployment through international research and knowledge exchange
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Our mission
Enabling economy-wide decarbonisation and climate neutrality through research and knowledge exchange into carbon capture and storage and other related low-carbon areas.
SCCS works with academics, business, industry, the public, regulators and policymakers worldwide to undertake multidisciplinary research and facilitate dialogue towards tackling CO₂ emissions. A recognised centre of excellence, we provide independent, impartial advice to address global climate change through sustainable carbon management.
Explore the global CCS map
This interactive map provides a virtual tour of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects around the world. Here you will find information on large-scale projects - operating and planned - which capture, transport and store at least 500,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year. Smaller scale but significant pilot projects, from capture and storage to full-chain CCS, also feature.
Explore the map